City of Terrace, RDKS Electoral Areas C and E
City of Terrace and Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine
Completed December 2020
In May 2020, M’akola Development Services was engaged by the City of Terrace and Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine (RDKS) to complete a Regional Housing Needs Report for the City of Terrace and Electoral Areas ‘E’ and ‘C (Part 1)’ of the Regional District. Additional community scans were conducted for adjacent First Nations. The report provides staff, the Regional Board, participating municipalities, and community partners with a better understanding of local housing needs and will be used to guide policy formulation for the local and regional governments, inform land use planning decisions, and direct local and regional housing action.
Innovative Approaches:
The partnership between Terrace and the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine made this study unique. Both entities were equal participants but recognized that the City of Terrace was home to most of the jobs and services across the Region. M’akola developed maps to show how population was distributed across the region and included data on commuting and employment statistics to better help local government track housing need.
Each participating municipality and electoral area also received a community profile that highlights some of the most compelling information collected through the data and engagement portions of the study. Profiles are high-level summaries and are intended to be used for public communication and quick reference.
M’akola also developed policy tools and monitoring guides to help the partners with future housing work. Discussion and examples of various housing policy interventions available to regional and local governments, their applicability, and recommended next steps to address housing in the Greater Terrace were included in an appendix along with key indicators and monitoring strategies.
- Project Management
- Community Engagement
- Data and Analysis
- Partnership Coordination
- Report Writing
- Staff Capacity Building